Egyptian Halloween?

10/08/2011 04:41:00 PM

I've been seriously considering dressing up as Cleopatra this year. I mean, I've always wanted to, but in recent years I've always backed out of wearing a legitimate costume at the last minute.

I started sketching some "designs" after Googling Cleopatra images. In the end, the designs were pretty basic, but it's the coloring I care about mainly!

I wanted to stray away from the boring linen white Cleopatra costumes, and try to make them look more "traditional." Well, I added a 'linen white & turquoise' one in the mix anyway.

Don't mind the skimpy coloring. What do you think about the colors? (I personally like the first one)

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  1. Hi, Nadie! :) OMG you drew all of these?? They're all lovely!!:D You're a good artist! Good job! I would love to learn fashion designing too! BTW, I like the first one too! But I sincerely think all of these are beautiful! ;) Great blog, Nadie! Keep it up! :)

    Much love,
    Elle from

  2. Thank you, Elle :) Yeah, I don't really know fashion drawing, but I was just messing with Cleopatra themed ideas after googling Elizabeth Taylor's portrayal ;)


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