Thrift on, Gift on
1/04/2014 09:21:00 PM
Some of my friends and I held a last minute holiday get together and the rule for our White Elephant gifts was that each one must have an element of Do-It-Yourself! Time to hit up the thrift store (and Google)! I got this load, worth $6, with some kind of gift idea...
I sort of just winged the whole project as I went along. I decided to go with some homemade chalk notice boards by using the same Rustoleum spray-on blackboard as seen in my previous post. I picked out a small picture frame, an IKEA mirror with a red frame and a dated picture frame with some quaint engravings (which matched well for the overall look, tyvm). After cleaning the goodies, I sanded the mirror/glass just a bit in order for the spray to stick (and for better writing). Next? Spray away! Btw, if you choose do this craft, do not forget to be in a well ventilated area and always wear protection: face mask + goggles. That crap stinks & is just not good for you to breathe in -Captain Obvious.
Once I did that, I figured my gift would be based on vanity/table toppers, so along with the tabletop blackboard I decided to make catch all plates (you know, the ones you see going for $16-$20 at Anthropologie & UO?). I really liked the shape and design of these plates--it took me nearly 20 minutes of looking at the dish section at the thrift store btw--but I decided to go with the all-white look anyway. I used a high gloss white spray paint (Krylon) for both the bunny and plates. This bad boy worked wonders because the bunny figurine was very crude, rough to touch and to be perfectly honest, looked brittle as hell. Once I sprayed on the gloss, it looked just as good as any other ceramic figurine--bumped up from a mere $0.50 to possibly $8.00? Haha. Anyway, it worked as well as I needed it to.
Once everything was dry--a few hours, depending on your weather--I used superglue to attach the figurine to the plate. It is key that you use glue that is appropriate for your pieces. I've also found white dry seems to make it look more like a solid piece.
I wrote these notes for the gift receiver to do... but the recipient was my friend Chainus, who happens to be pregnant. That being said, the second item actually said "take a shot"--but y'know, everyone needs to take a shit, too, so it's all good. Ha!
Now this isn't related to our GirlsOnlyHoliday, but I wanted to show off my gift wrapping work! A bit random, but I was practicing what I liked best. I may just stick to kraft paper, black & dark blue for everything! Me likey.

love the catch-all plate! i need to make one!