Santa's workshop mess
12/01/2012 11:39:00 PM
the "after" picture of all the gifts wrapped
these were the initial supplies I used the first night! just old wrapping paper, cardboard, tape/s, old stickers & blank sticky labels I swiped from my mom's workplace when I was 13 years old (why I have them still, I have no idea)
I finished wrapping up most of the gifts I had so far and I'm generally pleased with how they turned out. I lacked gift tags so with random left over craft materials (glitter cotton balls, old company labels, tacky glue etc.) and the cardboard from all my online orders, I made a few custom tags. Easy peasy. Well, I only had a black pen on hand so some labels look slightly bland, but I think it's altogether quite cute.
Of course, I've still got a few more gifts to wrap, but I'm nearly done. Phew! And it's only December 1st! There are also more craft projects I may want to try out, including DIY holiday gifts and ornaments. I just hope I can get them done in time. If I do, more blog posts are a'comin'
So. I think that was pretty good for my "mild-comeback" post. Until next time--ciao suckers.

They turned out great! x